Get started with the apaleo APIs
Get deeper access to the API to integrate your product, app, or service directly with apaleo. apaleo APIs provide the tools and data used to develop integrations with apaleo.
You can find all of apaleo’s APIs on We use Swagger to describe it and to generate our documentation.
Swagger, or OpenAPI, unites complex API information into an interactive and language-agnostic reference resource. Swagger provides critical reference material about which JSON payloads, HTTP methods, and specific endpoints to use to perform operations against an API.
The first step is to sign up for your free trial account. After you finish signup, you will be able to login to apaleo and start configuring your properties. Also, you can use the same credentials to access our API using Swagger.
You can access apaleo’s API Swagger documentation at:
The automatically generated Swagger reference material provides a quick overview of essential concepts, available API endpoints, and a description of each object model to assist development and testing.
A concise summary describes the API.

API object models are also listed.

You can select each listed object model for a more detailed summary of key attributes.

The generated Swagger object models are convenient to read all available apaleo’s objects and APIs. Developers can use this resource when they integrate their apps with apaleo.