
Sometimes things don’t work as you expect them to - here are some tips & tricks on how to figure out what’s wrong, and what to do then:

Issue Type Description Troubleshooting
Rates don’t match Changes made to the price of a rate plan in apaleo are not reflected in the boking channel. Check the connection to the channel and trigger a full-sync by using the endpoint PUT /v1/subscriptions/{id}/trigger-full-sync. Here {id} is your ARI subscription ID.
Availability mismatch When availability for a room changes in apaleo, the changes don’t appear in my booking channel. Check the connection to the channel and trigger a full-sync by using the endpoint PUT /v1/subscriptions/{id}/trigger-full-sync.
Failed Reservation Delivery I’ve received an error message saying a reservation delivery has failed. Check the mapping of the rate related to the failed reservation. See if you have included all the required fields in the booking request.

Some error messages

Here are some common error messages and their solutions:

Error Message Solution
{"messages":["Source is required for ChannelManager channel and should be configured."]} You get this error when the source is empty, or its spelling differs from the source defined in apaleo. It should be sent as follows: "channelCode": "ChannelManager", "source": "Homelike"
Combination of RatePlan 4325110 / UnitType 106075203 is not configured This is a mapping issue. Please verify the rate mapping and trigger full-sync PUT /v1/subscriptions/{id}/trigger-full-sync.
The service BER-BKFT is not available on the following dates: 2022-07-15. This error indicates that the service is not posted on the right day. Check the service by using the endpoint GET /rateplan/v1/services/{id}. Here {id} is the service ID. If "postNextDay":true, then post the service to the next business day.
{"messages":["Invalid country code XA.","Invalid nationality country code XA."]} This error indicates that the country code is invalid. Specify the correct country code. Please note that we only support ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for countries.
{"messages":["Reservations[0].TimeSlices: The TimeSlices field is required."]} This error indicates that the timeslice is missing from the booking. Please include the timeslice.
{"messages":["Reservation already exists: ChannelCode: ChannelManager, ExternalCode: 18356508-11"]} This error indicates that a reservation already exists with this external ID. Please check if you are reusing an external ID or whether you are trying to create a reservation that has already been created.
{"messages":["Reservations[0].TimeSlices[0].RatePlanId: The RatePlanId field is required."]} This error indicates that the rate plan ID is missing from the booking. Please include the rate plan ID.
{"messages":["The following rate plans are not valid: BER-N_OTA-SUP"]} This error indicates that the rate plan ID is incorrect. Please verify the rate plan ID.
Body: {"messages":["Reservations[0].Services[0].ServiceId: The ServiceId field is required."]} This error indicates that the service ID is missing from the booking. Please include the service ID.
Body: {"messages":["'Adults' must be greater than '0'."]} This error indicates that the number of adults are not specified in the booking. You need to send at least one adult.
Body: {"messages":["Arrival is too far in the past."]} This error indicates that the arrival date of the guest is in the past. Please fix the arrival date in the booking request.
Body: {"messages":["Booker.LastName: The LastName field is required.","Reservations[0].PrimaryGuest.LastName: The LastName field is required."]} This error indicates that the last name of the guest is missing. Resend the booking after providing the last name in the request.
Body: {"messages":["Pre-paid amount must be less than or equal to the reservation amount."]} This error indicates that the prePaymentAmount amount is more than the totalAmount. It should be less than or equal to the totalAmount amount.
{"messages":["A subscription for at least one of the provided rate plans already exists, try to update the subscription instead"]} This error indicates that the subscription for the rate plan(s) in the request already exists. You need to update the existing subscription by using the endpoint PUT /v1/subscriptions/{id}. Here {id} is your ARI subscription ID.

Nothing works?

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