Test Apaleo Pay integration

Apaleo Pay test mode allows you to process transactions and simulate different payment responses using the test card numbers that are provided by Adyen.

To test apaleo payments in your developer account, you need the following information:

Field Description Value
Merchant Account The company-level merchant account. It shows information for all your merchant accounts. ApaleoGmbHCOM
Sub-merchant ID Merchant-level sub-accounts detail specific settings for each merchant. It only shows you payments for the currently selected merchant account. CWWVG78PRG8AWNK
Checkout URL Endpoint The test checkout URL endpoint. The format is https://checkout-test.adyen.com/[version]/[method] https://checkout-test.adyen.com/checkout/V52/payments
API Key An API Key is what Adyen uses to authenticate API requests from your account. AQEshmfxLoLNaxZBw0m/n3Q5qf3VaZtMAZZFf2hU7t5zpA3osDxUhMnBXPo7mA8QwV1bDb7kfNy1WIxIIkxgBw==-QntgDhQ4FG0tGiMbnfX1KdPl6u4Fg/tHwAas6p5aJ8c=-L4KdmwfD7T6EKyNQ
Allowed Origins Allowed origins are domains from which we expect to get your client-side requests. It can have HTTP in the test environment, for example, http://localhost:8080, but must have HTTPS in the live environment. If you are not using this URL, then send us an email to us at support@apaleo.com containing your URL. http://localhost:8080
Client Key The client key is a public key that uniquely identifies a web service user. If you are using http://localhost:8080 as your origin, then use the key that is provided here. test_MW2GQ44S2VGYXNSZDK52HLAZTIW73AQB
Web Service User The web service user in the format ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount]. ws_183033@Company.ApaleoGmbH

Test credit cards

Adyen provides an always up to date list of test credit cards on their website.

  • Use this for testing with CVC: 4111 1111 1111 1111 (CVC: 737) - Expiry 03/2030
  • Use this for testing without CVC: 4111 1111 4555 1142 - Expiry 03/2030

What to test

  • Add a payment account to a reservation or booking.
  • Trigger a payment for a reservation folio using the payment account stored on the reservation.
  • Make a prepay booking through the IBE and see that the payment account is stored on the reservation, and the prepay amount is automatically captured.
  • If possible, create one flexible booking from booking.com or Expedia and see that the tokenized card is visible as a payment account on the reservation.