
For a better integration between apaleo and your app, we provide you two ways to share information between apaleo and your app: polling and webhooks. Polling is like pinging apaleo APIs to ask whether an event has occurred, and webhooks are like receiving automated messages from apaleo Webhooks API when something happens.

Webhook allows you to build or set up apps that subscribe to certain events on apaleo. Any change that happens to the property is captured as an event. These include changes relating to reservations, units, folio, invoice, system, and so on. When configured, a webhook pushes the data to your application’s webhooks URL automatically. Webhooks are more scalable than regularly polling for changes, especially for apps with a large install base.

Using the Webhooks API requires the following:

  • That you use webhooks by subscribing to the events that you want to be notified about, and by specifying a URL to send those notifications.
  • That you deploy a publicly available, secure (HTTPS) endpoint for that URL that can handle the webhook payloads.

Once you’ve configured the URL, apaleo will post the event as a JSON to your webhook URL. For example, if a “checked-out” event occurs, then a notification is sent to the specified URL. Webhooks can send reservation confirmations or check-out emails with the invoice attached, issuing mobile keys on the check-in, and much more.

Before we dig into the details, let’s clarify some terms.

Term What’s this?
Webhook A serialized message sent from one application to another’s unique URL over the web.
Webhook URL The URL where an application will receive webhook data from apaleo.
Hook A software function that runs when a specific event happens.
Poll To ping a URL and ask for new data.
Payload The data sent from apaleo to the webhook URL of your application.